
Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Blogs I'm reading

There is a number of film blogs on the internet that one can get easily addicted to, but just few of them I can't stop myself from visiting almost every day. They are funny, witty, unique and make me lol a lot. Here we are, ladies and gentleman, queerdelys top something film blogs:

1. Ultra Culture
I'm not even gaining pleasure from it anymore. It's so good it's addictive and I simply have to go on it almost every day (and sometimes twice a day even though there are no new posts added- but there is a random post button). The guy who writes it is one young smart guy and his reviews and articles are always provoking some pre-high laughter in me. It's this laughter that I get just thinking about how good getting high is. This is how good Ultra Culture is.

2. The Shiznit
When I first visited this blog I read one article, two articles, three articles, four...seventeen articles...You can easily spend the whole day reading articles and then articles related to them. And this guy's admiration of Nicolas Cage and Mark Whalberg monotonous styles is just what I identify with. This blog makes my day. Every day.

3. Picturehouse Podcast
I still haven't met these guys and I still want to. They are witty, from London and all about films. It's a friendly conversation about the movies and this is what I want just before I see anything at the cinema. They are always positive, even when they are negative. And their Oscar special was better than what you get from any other media.

4. The Incredible Suit
I like this blog because it tends to be so specific sometimes that it's like reading about one background character in a movie. It's good, it's funny and it's hugely entertaining. Most importantly, it's a blog on blogspot, so it gives hope to people like me that you don't have to own a website for people to like you. True?

5. Lawrence and Julie and Julia
Fucking hell, this guy is torturing himself for our entertainment. I don't know how you can ignore him. He is watching Julie and Julia every day for a year, the film I couldn't watch once because it's just so fucking irritating it just makes me swear too much. But this guy sacrifies himself. I hope he will still have mental stability in a year.

So that's it. My top 5 (it seems) film blogs I read notoriously. I would love to find more so suggest them in comments if you have any recommendations.

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