
Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Turnout vs 30 Minutes or Less

Because I attend both of the screenings this week (Turnout tomorrow and 30 Minutes or Less), I will be writing two reviews (even though I'm the laziest person in the entire world) this week. There is just one problem with these films:
Turnout is a hipster English production that doesn't even have a trailer online (or I can't find it, if anyone can send me a link, I would be more than grateful), and
30 Minutes or Less has bad reviews. Even though it has geeky Jesse Eisenberg who basically doesn't fuck up ever, it's apparently not a good movie. And not a funny one either. Because it's under the action-comedy genre, I am just worried that it might turn like this:

Because t has a white guy and an Indian guy even, so god save us.

doesn't look promising either. It is apparently worse than Cowboys vs Aliens (which the critics raped so brutally but I still want to see it and it still sounds awesome to me).
I like the fact that Sony asks to give them my twitter name in order for me to tweet my thoughts on the film. My boyfriend was surprised by this demand saying that if the movie is crap, how are the bad reviews going to promote it. But I guess it's too late anyway. So Sony is actually bravely telling us to go and spread bad word because they can take it. They are fucking sony. And they have Jesse Eisenberg. What do you have!

So, if you want to follow me on twitter, my twitter name is queerdelys. My specialisation is retweeting cooler tweets and linking my blog. And now also reviewing 30 Minutes or Less on Thursday.

And I still can't say a word about Turnout. What a mystery.

What is it even about?

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